
Hi, I am making a connection to the google geocoding API, through the JSON plugin (DX community edition). The connection can be done successfully, but it has not been possible to write the results "lng" and "lat" in the fields intended for it in the form designated for it.  Also, I see that there are several possibilities for "lat" and "lng". How do I refer specifically to, for example those associated with geometry / location?

I am not very familiar with the expected behavior, but is it correct that the response format includes the characters "_"? (as seen in the image below). Does that prevent the results from being read well? Any recommendation?

Here the response as seen in a browser:

Code in console:

INFO  06 sept. 2020 09:48:38 org.joget.apps.app.lib.JsonTool  - GET : https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=La+Fragua+Bogota&key=AI....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...w
INFO  06 sept. 2020 09:48:38 org.joget.apps.app.lib.JsonTool  - https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=La+Fragua+Bogota&key=AI....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...w returned with status : 200
INFO  06 sept. 2020 09:48:38 org.joget.apps.app.lib.JsonTool  - {_   "results" : [_      {_         "address_components" : [_            {_               "long_name" : "La Fragua",_               "short_name" : "La Fragua",_               "types" : [ "neighborhood", "political" ]_            },_            {_               "long_name" : "Antonio Nari±o",_               "short_name" : "Antonio Nari±o",_               "types" : [ "political", "sublocality", "sublocality_level_1" ]_            },_            {_               "long_name" : "Bogota",_               "short_name" : "Bogota",_               "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]_            },_            {_               "long_name" : "Bogota",_               "short_name" : "Bogota",_               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]_            },_            {_               "long_name" : "Colombia",_               "short_name" : "CO",_               "types" : [ "country", "political" ]_            }_         ],_         "formatted_address" : "La Fragua, Antonio Nari±o, Bogota, Colombia",_         "geometry" : {_            "bounds" : {_               "northeast" : {_                  "lat" : 4.598601899999999,_                  "lng" : -74.10278079999999_               },_               "southwest" : {_                  "lat" : 4.591731999999999,_                  "lng" : -74.1098463_               }_            },_            "location" : {_               "lat" : 4.5957494,_               "lng" : -74.10711169999999_            },_            "location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",_            "viewport" : {_               "northeast" : {_                  "lat" : 4.598601899999999,_                  "lng" : -74.10278079999999_               },_               "southwest" : {_                  "lat" : 4.591731999999999,_                  "lng" : -74.1098463_               }_            }_         },_         "place_id" : "ChIJO0vpfyOZP44RZ6jDrOXvJ1o",_         "types" : [ "neighborhood", "political" ]_      }_   ],_   "status" : "OK"_}_

This is how the plugin was configured

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    3 answers


      Hi guys, I tried everything shown by you, however it still doesn't work. The catalina.log file doesn't show me anything different, however I still think that the JSON is being misinterpreted by the "_" characters displayed as a line break in the console. I don't know how to continue!

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        In the Json tool configuration,fill this data

        1. Camilo A. García

          Hi guys, I tried everything shown by you, however it still doesn't work. The catalina.log file doesn't show me anything different, however I still think that the JSON is being misinterpreted by the "_" characters displayed as a line break in the console. I don't know how to continue!

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        hi, referring to JSON Tool, i think you can try use `results.geometry.location.lat` and `results.geometry.location.lng`.

        1. Camilo A. García

          Hi guys, I tried everything shown by you, however it still doesn't work. The catalina.log file doesn't show me anything different, however I still think that the JSON is being misinterpreted by the "_" characters displayed as a line break in the console. I don't know how to continue!

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