
Which ports are supported?

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    1 answer


      Do read the documentation at Joget v6 to DX Upgrade Notes#ConfiguringNginxToProxyWebSocket as a guide.

      1. Richard

        Hi Mathew,

        Thanks for the reply, I did follow the links but meaby there is something I dont understand.

        I have finished installing joget and it connects to the port 8080/jw showing the appcenter page but I just dont know how to use Nginx reverse proxy to connect my domain to the container on that port I have tried everything and im at ends meet (PS The domain is already up and showing the welcome to nginx page and even have certbot installed to automatically renew the ssl certificates) 

        I tried the links you send but is there meaby something related to Https and connecting it to the container because I just dont understand

      2. Matthew King

        I Googled and found this documentation below which might help you, personally I have zero knowledge on NGINX, sorry. Read NGINX as Proxy to Tomcat

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