
I have just exported a JogetDX 7 app and imported it into JogetDX 8. All seems well except that the designer edit frame for my largest form is grayed out, although the fields are visible behind the gray overlay. All other forms in the app are visible and editable in the JogetDX 8 form designer.

There were not any errors or issues editing this largest form in JogetDX 7. Has anyone else experienced this or have a solution?

Thanks, Bill

  1. Matthew King

    A screenshot or sample app would be helpful to understand your report.

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2 answers


    Hi Mr. Vasu, thank you for your app, upon checking, we found that there were one or more unclosed HTML tags in the Custom HTML element, thus causing the form builder to display every element grayed out. We have fixed the form builder to correctly handle this in the next version.
    In the interim, I recommend reverting to DX 7 of the same application and thoroughly examining the code within all the Custom HTML elements in your form. Once you have made the necessary adjustments, please re-export the application and re-import it into DX 8.

    1. William Vasu

      Thanks so much Andrew!

      However, although we did find one unclosed <p>  and added  <!DOCTYPE html> to every Custom HTML on the form in JogetDX 7, this still did not fix the issue. We went through all of the Custom HTML instances on the form in detail twice,

      Can you provide any further guidance?

    2. Andrew

      Hi Mr Vasu, rest assured we have tweaked the Form Builder code to handle unclosed tags in the upcoming Joget DX 8.0.2 that will be released soon.

      My recommendation in the interim is to remove the CustomHTML field element one by one (in the JSON), testing as you go (test by elimination) to find the HTML issue.

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    Thanks for the screenshot, any errors in the F12 browser dev tools or joget.log. To really debug, we need a sample app with just the affected form (you can delete the other UI and List to maintain confidentiality).

    1. William Vasu

      When I try to create a new app onto which I can paste the application in question I get the following on my Sysytem Log:

      ERROR 29 May 2023 05:02:06 org.owasp.csrfguard.servlet.JavaScriptServlet - Referer domain 'https://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/web/userview/appcenter/home/_/home' does not match request domain: 'http://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/csrf'
      ERROR 29 May 2023 05:02:36 org.owasp.csrfguard.servlet.JavaScriptServlet - Referer domain 'https://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/web/console/app/create?templateAppId=&_=1685336555721&__a_=appcenter&__u_=home' does not match request domain: 'http://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/csrf'
      ERROR 29 May 2023 05:02:50 org.owasp.csrfguard.action.Log - potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:<anonymous>, ip:, method:POST, uri:/jw/web/console/app/submit, error:Required Token is missing from the Request)
      ERROR 29 May 2023 05:02:57 org.owasp.csrfguard.servlet.JavaScriptServlet - Referer domain 'https://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/web/console/monitor/running?_ov=1685336576269' does not match request domain: 'http://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/csrf'
      ERROR 29 May 2023 05:03:00 org.owasp.csrfguard.servlet.JavaScriptServlet - Referer domain 'https://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/web/console/monitor/slogs' does not match request domain: 'http://ws4.ifcsn.org/jw/csrf'

    2. William Vasu

      I was able to get past those errors with a change to the Owasp.CsrfGuard so now have the export .jwa file with only the form in question. But I do not see how I can upload it here.

    3. William Vasu

      I was able to drag and drop the file above. This app with only the form in question still shows it as grayed out.

    4. William Vasu

      Here is the Console:

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