
Hi Support Team,

I already created below register process (Picture 1), but in user setup table its show different username with empty first name and last name (Picture 2)

Picture 1

Picture 2

  1. panda

    how u implement this? 2 screenshot is impossible to not tell the issue. may be u can attach ur app here for other to help.

  2. Walter

    Is the URL pointing to a production site or a dev site? Unless you give out the admin credential here (which is pretty dangerous to do so depending on how valuable the site is), or else we won't be able to help you by just submitting the form in there. It is better that you attach the app here, and list down steps to replicate.

  3. Saravanan

    Hi Walter, Its pointing to Production site, I provide u the username Username : admin Password : Gtx2360IT Since its still in testing stage I already register my desire username example : ronaldo and password : xxxxx in user registration form but in user setup table its create as "20_lxe_tracking_system_process1"

  4. Anders

    Hi, FYI this is a public community Q&A site, not a dedicated support site so I don't think you should be giving out your login credentials here.

  5. Saravanan

    Hi, I still in learning stage of Joget Application, just play around and I still haven allowed for user to update anything yet.Will change the password later if its really roll out

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1 answer


    It seems that in your final form (https://westports.cloud.joget.com/jw/web/console/app/lxe_tracking_system/2/form/builder/user_creation_form), all the fields inside Directory Form BInder are left with default values and correspond to non-existent values. So, that's the cause.

    You will need to fix the field mappings. See the screen grab below.


    1. Saravanan

      Hi Walter, The Log in is working fine now but once log in i get error message "No Permission Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page". And I check in Setup Users the Role(s) field is empty but when i edit manually for particular user in setup users "select as user", able to log in

    2. Cac Tus

      Try check the Userview element permission. Not good practice to give username and password lol.

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