
Hi guys,


Is there any configuration that I have to edit before I can use "file upload form" in v6.


Beecause after I uploaded file to the form, it seems like my file didn't actully upload to the system.


But for the v5, everything is working fine without any special configuration.





  1. panda

    can u share some screenshot? i think it will oni store the file after the form is submitted, else it is just store in temporary dir.

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3 answers



    Thanks for finding this bug in community version. It is fixed and will be included in next release.

    Best regards.

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      Hi Panda,


      Thank you for answered my question. Here are screenshots from the example app. I've tried to change the configuration of the form as you can see.

      1. panda

        i just help u to look at the exact same app. it is working for me. is there error in log file?

      2. Sumet Siriruangampai

        panda INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:16 org.joget.commons.util.SetupManager - Using base directory: ./wflow/ INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:17 org.joget.commons.util.DynamicDataSource - profileName=default, url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/jwdb?characterEncoding=UTF-8, user=root INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:17 bitronix.tm.BitronixTransactionManager - Bitronix Transaction Manager version 2.1.4 INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:17 bitronix.tm.Configuration - JVM unique ID: <btm-joget> INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:17 bitronix.tm.recovery.Recoverer - recovery committed 0 dangling transaction(s) and rolled back 0 aborted transaction(s) on 0 resource(s) [] (restricted to serverId 'btm-joget') INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:18 org.joget.commons.util.SetupManager - Initializing setup cache INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:18 org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager - PluginManager initialized INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:20 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData - HHH000262: Table not found: dir_user_meta INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:20 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData - HHH000262: Table not found: dir_user_meta INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:20 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData - HHH000262: Table not found: dir_user_meta INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:20 org.joget.workflow.model.service.WorkflowManagerImpl - Datasource bound to jwdb INFO 24 May 2017 16:43:25 org.displaytag.filter.ResponseOverrideFilter - Filter initialized. Response buffering is enabled INFO 24 May 2017 16:44:07 org.joget.apps.workflow.security.WorkflowAuthenticationProvider - Authentication for user admin: true INFO 24 May 2017 16:44:52 org.joget.workflow.shark.WorkflowAssignmentManager - [processId=1_crm_process1, processDefId=crm#1#process1, participantId=approver, next user=[admin]] INFO 24 May 2017 16:46:33 org.displaytag.export.ExportViewFactory - Initializing ExportViewFactory with type={csv,excel,xml,pdf} INFO 24 May 2017 16:46:33 org.displaytag.properties.TableProperties - LocaleResolver initialized to org.joget.apps.app.web.LocalLocaleResolver. INFO 24 May 2017 16:50:42 org.joget.workflow.shark.WorkflowAssignmentManager - [processId=2_crm_process1, processDefId=crm#1#process1, participantId=approver, next user=[admin]] there is no error on joget log in tomcat folder. is there other logs that I need to look at? P.S. I've tried both windows and linux version (v6 community edition beta 2)

      3. Anders

        I am using the v6 enterprise edition beta. So it seems there may be a problem in the community edition.

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      Hi, I am using v6 beta and the file upload is working fine for me. You may want to share more details on how to reproduce your problem.

      1. Sumet Siriruangampai

        I've used "Customer Relationship Management" example app and I've attached file in the "submit new proposal" menu. After I submit the form, there is no file on the "approval form".

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