
hello there, 

what exactly APM tool gathering information about what? like from a to z. 

the example here:

 there is an process start from some point, let say start from from when complete this start activity and go to next activity the elements in path between those two activities tools like plugins or router is (the APM)

is gathering and calculating their resources utilizing ?

and when show them ? in start activity or destination activity (user view URL)

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    1 answer


      Hi, details on the APM feature can be found at Application Performance Management

      1. tito velao

        thank you for your response, i was read everything in docs about this topic but there is too much less information. i want to know the internal work of this tool to make pure understanding about the performance. 

        like if we are in builder phase(like form builder) how can we measure the performance or how we can know that part of userview like part or section in form,  take too much time to process.

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