
Currently, my form can't add a new field because there's a database error when I try to add a column. The error message I receive is:

"Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOB."

 I try many solution like usign query make the column dynamic and so on, but still not work

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    1 answer


      Hey there,

      It looks like you're running into an issue with the row size being too large in MySQL/MariaDB. This error pops up when the total size of all columns in a table exceeds the maximum row size allowed by the database. Just to let you know, this isn’t a problem specific to the Joget platform—it's more about how the database is handling things. We recommend chatting with a database expert to get this sorted out, but here are some tips you can try:

      1. Find the Problem Columns: Use the "SHOW CREATE TABLE" command to check out your table’s structure and see the data types of each column.
      2. Check Your VARCHAR Columns: If any VARCHAR columns have a huge size, try reducing them.
      3. Switch to TEXT or BLOB: If shrinking the VARCHAR columns doesn’t help, consider changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB. These types allow for larger data storage and are kept separately from the main row.
      4. Adjust the Row Format: If issues persist, try changing the row format to "DYNAMIC" or "COMPRESSED" using the "ALTER TABLE" command. These formats support larger row sizes.
      5. Split the Table: As a last resort, you might need to split the table into multiple tables. Move less frequently accessed columns to a separate table to reduce the overall row size.

      Make sure to test these changes in a non-production environment first to avoid any surprises in your live setup.

      For more details, check out these links:

      Hope this helps!

      1. Fong


        Can one form combine 2 table? Now my all form is only using one table which many of the column type is longtext, it auto assign longtext

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