
Hello Everyone!


Good day!


Hoping someone could help me,


Here's the scenario.


I have a form who has a group of approvers with 3 members all with email addresses which is also mapped to participant. However, when I create a request, the email notification is not being sent to the 3 approvers when I checked their approver's account, the assignment of the approval is present.. I also checked the logs, please refer to below screenshot.



What I have tried.


Remove the other 2 members of the group, leaving the group with only single member.

    -> The email notification was sent successfully to the approver

Tried to use the To(Specific Email Address) with their email addresses, each addresses are separated by ;

    -> Not working as well. the logs still shows the (,) as separator


My Conclusion,

   -> The issue possibly occurs on the email addresses separator which is the comma(,), with this, how can i make it a semicolon(;) like the one below in the CC field. I think the reason why my email is not being sent lies on the separator of the addresses.



thanks a lot!

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    2 answers


      You can just put the participant ID in "To" and "CC". Don't need to use the hash performer to complicate things.

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        Hi, in the first screenshot it has the error "Sending the email to the following server failed". There should be more details on the error after that which would give you information on what went wrong.

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