
one activity of one process,wait all user approved, that it continue.

how to do?

Please don't tell me Multiple Approval

  1. Awais Ahmad


    You mean that you have a process in which you have an activity. Up until its approved by all the users, it should not go to the next activity, right?

    By all users mean, all users in the joget has to approve or some group of users? 

    For approval, you are using a datalist inbox? 

    Please, elaborate on the above to have better understanding of the problem.

    Thank you.

  2. xinweiwei

    For example,the form contain a field which named approver,I select 01,02,03 three users.

    After I start-up one process,01 02 03 will recieved the task,  I hope the process will continue until all of them submit.

  3. xinweiwei

    It is not datalist inbox, I use task box. All users maybe one group,maybe some users who I selected,whatever. Until its approved by all the users, it should not go to the next activity.

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1 answer


    Hi, you can represent each person as a separate participant swimlane and join all the approval activities together into a single AND route. That should make it wait until all tasks have completed before proceeding.

    1. xinweiwei

      Oh no, I won't know how many user will match the activity,

      It depends on how many users the starter choose,so I cann't define the count of participant swimlane

    2. taxaw

      Look at Multiple approval.

      Multiple Approval

      That's your solution, for sure.

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