
I have noticed this with Spread sheet as well as Form list . If a form  have more than 5 Spread sheet or Form List then and you are using multi form Data Bind.

The 3 rd Table's field would get appended to the 4 Table. As an example If a Form have Table 1 to Table 5 each with Column A to F. The fields for Table 3 A-C or D-F would get added to Table 4 column.

Table 1 2 5  would work fine but table 3 would have field missing and Table 4 would have extra columns.

  1. Walter

    Can you give any screenshots or steps to replicate this issue please?

  2. Bilal

    Create a set of 4 tables all spread sheets, (backed by Multi row binding) Each in its own section.  All of them will use the same Key (parent_table_id) from the Top Grid List. 5 Tables in Total. First Table will only have a single row that will be foreign Key for each of the spread sheets Tables below.

    The Form saves  data for the 1 2 and 4 Table but appends the field of the 3rd table to 4 Table in the database. 

    @Anders I explicitly changed names of each of the fields of the Tables. 

    This is reproducible using simple application. 

    I am trying to see if I can use JDBC Binding instead of multirow Binding

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2 answers


    Hi Bilal

    Attached is a sample app with five spreadsheets in one form but I could not replicate your issue.

    Kindly try this app and you may modify it to be as close to your current app, to try to repeat the error you are experiencing. Then attach your app here for the community to view/check. Thank you.


    1. Bilal

      Thanks a lot I realized my mistake I was using field and not "hidden field" also I was using generated key. 

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    Hi, could it be that you are have duplicate or conflicting IDs? There's not enough information, would be best if you provide more details to reproduce the problem.

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