
hello i'm trying to display data from a database using datalist. data displayed id and name. and the data will be input. then I make a form in which there is a select box and textfield popup. a popup select box to display the data you want to input by displaying an id while a textfield to hold the selected name.
I want to ask how to display the selected name in the popup select box to the textfield?
please give recommendations on what to use or please give a simple example script.

  1. Ian

    hi, I'm not sure I follow you.  What's the reasoning to display the label options from the select box into the text field value? Is it so you can edit it?

  2. Romi
    yes so that the data can be edited.
    help please?
  3. Camilo A. García

    Hi. I ask: Do you need to save this new edited value in the original domain with which you built the list? Or only in the form where you built the list?

  4. Romi
    yes i need to save that data. help please
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1 answer


    Hi Romi

    Maybe you could use a Selectbox instead of a Textfield, this making it easy to perform a lookup of the label based on the id value.

    1. Romi

      But the data can be edited. if you use select box it cannot be edited.

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