When we upload a new version of workflow, the processes running in the old workflow is not affected by the new version.

There is a need to migrate existing running processes to new version of the workflow. If we're using JBPM, we could map nodes from the previous workflow into nodes in the new workflow, creating a migration tool (see this blog article).

How can we do process migration like this in Joget ?

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  1. i have the same concern, how can we keep a backup/re-use of a fully designed workflow. (which includes xpdl,forms,activity maps to

    users/forms, etc) and later can include this workflow to a another system (running same joget2.0).

    More specifically, I have 1 joget2.0 system running in my production

    And another joget2.0 running on my development.

    Now, i want to develop a workflow in my development and later transfer that developed workflow to my production, i can't copy the DB bz i will have my production data. and what i can see for joget DB, there are referential integrity.

    Please do let me know should my explanation is clear enough.

    1. Hi Titu,

      You can "Export Package" function to export out the package out in your manage process page. When you export, all the forms mapped, form mappings, participant mappings, plugins mapping and etc will be in the package already. Just import it in your destination instance.

      Hope this helps.

  2. Hi Yudhi,

    First of all, sorry for the late reply. Here's my take on your question.

    In Joget v2, The existing processes are left untouched when there's new iteration/version of process design released but in the new Joget v3, there's a new version control feature that let you to choose whether to declare a new version of your application (process) or not. If you choose to do so, then the older instance will be kept intact, else, Joget will migrate them to the new version.

    Hope this helps. Thanks.

  3. Is there a way to get the entire workflow exported from v2 into v3 easily?

    1. Hi there,

      We are very excited to have you on board! Please see this article Upgrade from V2. Thanks.