Version 8.1.4

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI         : UI - RTL Issue for App Import, Create New App, and Plugin Upload.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : UI Builder - AJAX event can't update correctly due to cache key is generated wrongly.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : JSON API Options Binder - Dependency value is not handled correctly.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Login - Get request is still permitted.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : API Call - Not working when hitting API with proxies/redirect.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Builder - Styles tab does not display correctly for RTL.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : JSON API Util - Referer header is wrongly set.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Fixed validation bug in arabic locale.

Version 8.1.3

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI         : DX8 Theme - RTL label position top issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form - Label position top issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : X-Admin Theme - Fixed calculation field value top label rtl issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : JSON Tool - FIxed string extraction logic error for subkey.

[ MODIFIED ]     UI         : AppUtil/RequestParameterHashVariable - Added method to set and get partial parse flag.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Color Picker - Color always reset to white.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Grid - Store Binder of child element unable to update value in row data.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form Builder - The prefix overlaps the table name in RTL.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : FormPdfUtil - Report HTML of report builder is not same with PDF due to DX 8 theme style.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form - Regression of Visibility control not working when custom parameter name is used and there are same section id.

[ FIXED ]        LIST       : List - Action link & button HTML attributes are not escape correctly.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : User Profile - Long password & password contains html tag may fail validation.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Import App - Extra prefix on form data tables after import when table indexes are used.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Security - Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.90 for CVE-2024-34750.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List Inbox - Not working with PostgreSQL.

Version 8.1.2

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ MODIFIED ]     UI         : UI - Updated help links.

[ FIXED ]        PROCESS    : Process Builder - Adding checking to prevent processes missing during concurrent save.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : App Center - App search not working correctly.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : Progressive Theme - Fixed horizontal menu below header size and alignment.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : Janux Theme - Fixed positioning and rtl issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Numeric Validator - Fixed cannot use incrementor when using only numeric validation for the text field.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Some context paths are hardcoded.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Section - Visibility control not working when custom parameter name is used and there are same section id.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : Progressive/Janux/X-Admin/Universal Theme - Fixed position issues when in rtl.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : X-Admin Theme - Popup select form field button misaligned in smaller screen widths.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : jw-community - Security - Update BouncyCastle to 1.78.1, Spring Framework to 5.3.37 & Spring Security to 5.8.12.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : String Util - Space is escaped to '+' char instead of '%20'.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Date Picker - Fixed empty parentheses in label for 'Date and Time stored in UTC' field type with timezone enabled.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : BeanShell - Fixed incorrect injected variable Info.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : x-admin theme - Ensure multiple selection multi-select box follows the design standards.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : System Setting - Alert message is shown twice when theme and language is switched at once.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Login - No Permission login page appearing in theme tab instead of whole page in x-admin.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Chosen library not working correctly on RTL mode.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Section - Section visibility control not working when there is other section with same id.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : AccordionComponent - Fixed inconsistent accordion component spacing across DX8, Progressive, Universal and Janux themes.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : AjaxComponent.js - Fixed issue where same page URI fragments (# href) will cause ajax page load.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : X-Admin Theme - Fixed double scroll bar when admin bar is active.

[ FIXED ]        THEME      : DX8 Theme - FIxed long sidebar navigation scrolling issue.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Field Validator - Email validator accepts leading and trailing spaces as valid email.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Form - Dynamic created upload field always having same id causing it can't initialized correctly.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : File Upload - Unicode symbol in file name causing exception.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Email Tool - Inline attachment CID should not contains space and special chars.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Security - CSRF does not check on login page.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Security - Remove version info from public page.

[ FIXED ]        SECURITY   : Security - Update log4j to 2.23.1.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE      : Startup - Log error when server fail to start.

Version 8.1.1

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        PROCESS    : Process - Fail to connection Shark Engine when total connections reach max integer number (> 2B).

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Security - Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.86.

[ FIXED ]        FORM       : Form Data - Performance issue in Oracle & MSSQL db.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List - Regression of Platform Entity is not working.

Version 8.1.0

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ ADDED ]        UI         : Compact Theme - Incorporated Compact Theme to existing DX8 themes.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Added method to get closed assignments by user & subtype (completed, aborted).

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM     : Form - Using consistent unique key for form field.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Security - Upgrade TinyMCE to 7.0.1.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Admin Bar - App Designer role seeing links lead to no permission page.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : i18n - Fixed missing confirmation messages for theme switching.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : App Center - Added ability to search app list.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : Dark Theme - Fixed dark theme is not applied to popup created by form grid and list grid.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Fixed hardcoded asset paths.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Popup template is not handled RTL.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Installer - Support Java 21 LTS.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List Inbox - Regression of ec194fa1. Multi approval feature is broken.

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM       : Form Builder - Support configure default styling of all form elements.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : JSON API List Binder - Support auto handling filters on API results.

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM       : Section - Enhance visibility control to support operators and parentheses grouping.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : DX8 Theme - The hide menu button can't trigger when window width is within 1280px to 1286px and there is a scrollbar.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Priority menu not able to move current page menu.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Admin Bar - Fixed admin bar not displaying properly at different widths.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Create App - Enhance table prefix handling on create app from template and clone app.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Simple Rule - Configuration UI is misaligned.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : BeanShell - Exception handling to log line number for easier debugging and tracing.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : App Composer - App Designer Role should not able to assign another app designer or remove themselves from the role.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Builders - Diff Checker - Added navigation button.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Security - Upgrade Spring Framework to 5.3.33, Spring Security to 5.8.11, Hibernate to 5.6.15.Final, dom4j to 2.1.4, bouncycastle to 1.78, moment.js to 2.30.1.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : SetupManager - Base directory path is not consistently ends with a path separator.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : MFA - Does not call user security login post processing after logged in.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Security - Prevent DOS due to Glowroot upgrade.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : App Composer - Added app overview tools.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Text Field - Added numpad support for smartphones.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : commons-io is not upgrade correctly.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Sorting Feature - added sorting feature to Grid property.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Import App - Support import zipped git source.

[ MODIFIED ]     UI       : UI - Adding priority menu to addressed long horizontal menu.

Version 8.0.12

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Security - Update commons-compress to 1.26.0 and commons-io to 2.15.1 for CVE-2024-26308.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Settings - File size limit does not follow cloud profile setting.

[ MODIFIED ] CORE : CSRF Guard - Adding system property flag  to support fix domain checking.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Builders - Fixed UI builder component inline editing not working when using mouse.

[ FIXED ] CORE : App Composer - App settings can't save.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Reflected XSS using locale lang parameter.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Default Validator - Fixed basic numeric validator not passing European formatting style.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Health Check - Not display correctly for mobile.

[ FIXED ] CORE : I18n - Missing labels for ar locale on list paging.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Quill Editor - Rich text editor unordered list bugs.

[ FIXED ] CORE : UI Builder - When in other advanced tools page and click  button, it does not back to design view.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Workflow Manager - Prevent shark create resource exception during concurrent request.

[ FIXED ] CORE : JSON API Form Option Binder - Can't support nested structure for grouping and options.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.86.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Update bouncycastle to 1.77 and jose4j to 0.9.6.

[ FIXED ] CORE : App Center - Fixed Blank space for side-bar navigation in app center when in RTL.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Process Builder - Update from XPDL is not working correctly.

[ FIXED ] CORE : X-admin - Fixed process status process information process starter info in arabic for x-admin theme not in RTL.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Remove version and build number from error page.

Version 8.0.11

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Builders - Can't save very large definition.

[ FIXED ] CORE : UI - RTL display issues.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Run Process - Run process without confirmation screen does not work correctly.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Update postgresql to 42.6.1 for CVE-2024-1597.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Log Viewer - Exception when broadcast message in cluster environment to other nodes.

[ FIXED ] UI : Universal/Progressive Theme - Multi select filter can't render correctly.

[ FIXED ] UI : UI - Default date format for Arabic locale is wrong causing date does not display correctly.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Inbox - Popup rendered with UI header and menu when enable show assignment in popup.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Text Field/Textarea/Custom HTML - Sanitization should not enable by default.

[ MODIFIED ] CORE : Security - Upgrade jackson-databind, jgit, Spring Framework and Spring Security.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Form - Grid cell is not vertical align top causing content hard to read when different hight.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Form/Process Builder - Undo/Redo can't reselect the element after id changed.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Form Grid - Regression of nested grid data is not saving.

[ FIXED ] UI : Ajax theme - addressed the issue where reports were not downloadable in the Ajax theme, and causing the Android app to crash.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Directory - HOD user unassigned from organization is not unassign from HOD.

[ FIXED ] CORE : General Setting - License Info is not showing in Arabic locale.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Startup - No option to disable the new collation auto fix.

[ FIXED ] PROCESS : Process Builder - Error caused by missing join type after removing a transition.

Version 8.0.10

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : JBoss EAP - Workaround for missing nested JSP include bug in JBoss EAP 7.4.14.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Process - Fail to connection Shark Engine when total connections reach max integer number (> 2B).

[ FIXED ] CORE : Archived Processes - Timout issue when migrating large set of completed processes to history tables.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Date Picker - Picker does not show on IPad device.

[ FIXED ] UI : X-admin - X Admin theme Quill rich text editor has additional unordered lists.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Regression on update hibernate setting to prevent update schema on Shark table.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Security - Upgrade Apache Tomcat to 9.0.85.

[ FIXED ] CORE : AppDevUtil - Generate Assignment Process Form not appear in Git Repo.

[ FIXED ] CORE : List Builder - Row action styling properties issues.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Form Data - Performance issue in Oracle & MSSQL db.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Health Check - Cancel suppress action is lead to screen blocking infinitely.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Git - Cloud platform plugins breaking Git commit process.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Export App - Exported plugins are not latest.

[ FIXED ] UI : System Theme - Fixed System and builder theme CSS issues.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Log Viewer - Git related logs are not visible in app composer log viewer.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Process Builder - Process XPDL updated when changing activity mapping.

[ FIXED ] LIST : List - Regression of platform entity is not working.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Builders - Definition view slow loading when data is large.

[ FIXED ] PROCESS : Process Builder - Slow loading when process is large and complex.

[ FIXED ] CORE : Plugin WebSocket - Unable to obtain HTTP session and logged in user.

Version 8.0.9

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction of Password contains `\` and `"` char can't parse correctly.
[ FIXED ] UI : Xadmin Theme - Elements in filter side panel on smaller screens not properly aligned.
[ FIXED ]        UI : Xadmin Theme - Search icon for filter button on smaller screens not properly aligned.
[ FIXED ]        UI : Xadmin Theme - Bootstrap dropdown sometimes not working.
[ FIXED ]        CORE    : Property Editor - Text Decoration Style and Text decoration color not working.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Mobile App - Login does not redirect correctly.
[ FIXED ] CORE : App Composer - Hints feature is still enabled when navigating to a different page.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Directory Manager - Password contains `\` and `"` char can't parse correctly.
[ FIXED ]       CORE : AppServiceImpl - When cloning an app from the application, "&" in the app name prevents the replication of app forms, datalists, and other elements.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Process Data Integrity - Regression of Process - Prevent unique constraint issue in cluster environment. SHKCounters table should not check anymore.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : builderTheme - Fixed builder theme affected create app page when genAI and process enhancement plugins are install.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : List Builder - “Styling (Link)“ styles still appears in other list templates when you opt for styling to be removed after template change.
[ MODIFIED ] SECURITY : Security - Upgrade TinyMCE to 6.8.1 for CVE-2023-48219.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Builder Theme - Fixed "Create New page” of add-on builders no following theme & fixed cannot see and access the System log tab in app composer for dark/light system theme.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE : Plugin Upload - Modified error message to be highlighted.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : ConsoleWebController - Fixed file upload accepting zip file of the plugin.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Login - Regression of Plugin Resources - "charset=UTF-8" should not add to content-type of binary file. Login failed when the page resources haven't fully loaded.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Builder Theme - Fixed when theme changed and navigating to other builder canvas color not following the theme and make create new page &  APM page following the theme.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : List Builder - Row action styling properties not update correctly based on template.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Builders - Added light and dark theme for builders.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE : Plugin Upload - Modified Upload Plugin to only allow .jar files.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : Form - Nested Grid data is not saving.
[ FIXED ] UI : Xadmin Theme - Features depended on Bootstrap Framework are not working.
[ FIXED ]        CORE : List Builder - "Simple Card" List template actions styling not applied T3382.

Version 8.0.8

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List Inbox - Regression of Records using process id as id fail to load. Not working when using form binder.

Version 8.0.7

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Correction for updated default app, script and database for installer.

Version 8.0.6

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Current User Hash Variable - Employment info is not updated after edit user employment.

Version 8.0.5

Known Issue with Clustering Environment in Joget DX 8.0.5

Dear valued Joget DX users,

We would like to bring to your attention a known issue that has been identified in Joget DX 8.0.5 when operating in a clustering environment. In specific use cases, there may be challenges encountered when attempting to retrieve the currently logged-in user's employment information, such as organization, department, or group details, especially when utilizing hash variables or permission plugins.

Version 8.0.4

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        UI         : Universal/Progressive Theme - Correction for Universal/Progressive Theme - Dropdown of date picker and TinyMCE editor does not stay in place when page scroll.

Version 8.0.3

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Popup Dialog - Ask for confirmation before close the popup dialog which detected changes. - Improve message

Version 8.0.2

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        REVERTED   : App Center - Update tutorial links.

Version 8.0.1

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Regression caused by JSON library upgrade.

Version 8.0.0

Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Assignment - Correction for Legacy assignment link redirected to deprecated mobile view.

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