
Figure 1: Approval process flow template

Figure 2: Screenshot highlighting the series of form that is created to complement the process flow

Figure 3: Screenshot showing Generate Process - Approval Process plugin in Generate App function

Figure 4: Generator adds a new category in the UI after generating Approval Process

Generate Process - Approval Process Properties


Figure 5: Options Properties

Category Label

Define the category label to be appended into the target UI below. (see Figure 5)

Start Process Menu LabelDefine the Process Start menu label to be created under the new category defined in Category Label above.
Process NameProcess Name Label

Choose the List to be associated with the List Inbox that will be created in the new UI category.

If this is left empty, Create New List Options will be available in Advanced Options


Choose the UI to append the new UI category into.

If this is left empty, Create New UI Options will be available in Advanced Options

Advanced Options

Create New List Options

Figure 6: Options for the new List . Only shown when no List is selected in the previous options section.

List IDList ID
List NameList Name
Choose Columns

Select Columns to be displayed in List . 

AutoComplete enabled. Type column name to display filtered selection.

Create New UI Options

Figure 7: Options for the new UI. Only shown when no UIis selected in the previous options section.

UI IDThe ID of the UI
UI NameThe display name of the UI
UI DescriptionA description of the UI

UI Menu Options

Figure 8: Options for the UI menu

Inbox Menu IDThe ID of the UI menu
Start Process Menu IDThe ID of the start process menu

Participants Label

Figure 9: The labels of the participants in the process can be changed.

Activities Label

Figure 10: The labels of the activities in the process can be changed.

Tools Label

Figure 11: The labels of the tools used in the process can be changed.


Figure 12: The contents of the email sent to the participants can be changed.


You may use Hash Variables to dynamically include information in the email contents.

Forms Name

Figure 13: The name of the forms used in the process can be changed.

Form Fields Label

Figure 14: The labels of the form fields can be changed.

Form Sections Label

Figure 15: The labels of the form sections can be changed.

Status Values

Figure 16: The labels of the statuses in the process can be changed.

  • No labels