
I am trying to make a Datalist Inbox with custom columns (I have already checked out Datalist Inbox Userview Menu (Inbox with Form Data)). Is there a way to add activityId (from the shkactivities table) into the parameter of a hyperlink so that when a user clicks the link associated with that user, they will be directed to the appropriate form (similar to how the current inbox works).

I want the target URL to look something like this: http://jw/web/userview/edmcIntake/commonView//inbox?_mode=assignment&activityId=8687_2202_myProcess_process1_activity

I have tried using #assignment.activityId#, but the result is http://jw/web/userview/edmcIntake/commonView//inbox?_mode=assignment&activityId=null.

How do I access the acitivityId with the datalist??




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  1. Sorry to ask again, but this issue is really holding me back with development!  Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. Sorry to ask again, but this issue is really holding me back with development!  Does anyone have any suggestions?

  3. I found a solution for this issue. I edited the DataListDecorator Class in the Joget v3 source to see if the column name inputted in the above screenshot contains a hash variable.  If so, I process the hash variable based on the assignment and use this value as the value for the hyperlink parameter value. This successfully injects the correct activityId into the URL by adding the value #assignment.activityId# in the column name field of the "Configure Link" property editor.

    Here is the code I added to the DataListDecorator.java:

    if(href !=null){
            	WorkflowManager wm = (WorkflowManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("workflowManager");
            	WorkflowAssignment wfAssignment = wm.getAssignmentByProcess(evaluate("id").toString());
            	paramValue = AppUtil.processHashVariable(hrefColumn,wfAssignment,null,null);
            	paramValue = evaluate(hrefColumn);
  4. Hi,Nick I also get this problem,I key  #assignment.activityId# in the Column Name

    but I do not get activityid. The result I get as below:

    http://      balabala......... assignment&activityId=%23assignment.hod_approve%23

    So could you show your solution in details .

    I also want to know the coding you added under which method.

    Thanks in advance.