
I searched for documentation on developing / integrating custom components into Joget and did not find any. Is there any documentation on this topic?

What I would like to achieve is a custom layout component that allows you to combine different  components into a single application interface, placing different types of content on one page. For example a treeview (a) component in combination with a form (b) and data list (c). See screen shot.
What I would like to know, what requirements list should I pass on to a 3rd party vendor of these components in order to be sure integration will work in Joget?


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  1. Hi there,

    What you have posted here should be enough to get things started. Next thing to do is to find a vendor that knows Joget well to assist you with the implementation. We would recommend you to contact one of our partners listed here.


  2. Hi,

    If have the necessary Java development expertise, you could also develop that component yourself as a Form Element Plugin. Actually, all the form, list and userview elements are actually plugins that are bundled with the core platform. To get started developing your own plugins, there's a guide at Extending Functionality - Developing Plugins
