
are the Hash Variables are still there in V3 ?



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  1. Hi there,

    Hash variables are still supported in V3 and not just that, there are few more new hash variable types are supported in the new version as well. And on top of that, you can even write your own Hash Variable Plugin as well.

    Among the new hash variable prefixes are:- uservariable, requestParam, i18n and so on.

    PS: I'm writing a page on the Knowledge Base on this matter.

  2. Can hash variables be used in the routing for example if I need to route to an activity if the current date is equal to a work flow variable can I use the following:

    todate == #date.ddMMyyyy#

    The main issue is that based on the "todate" work flow variable, an action has to be done only if it is equal to today's date otherwise another action has to be done.

    1. Hi Mahmoud, no, I don't think the Hash Variable works in routing condition's expression