I have a requirement from a client that he needs to automatically attach a scanned document to a Joget form instead of manually saving the scanned file to his PC and then browse and upload it as a first step in the workflow.

But i search for relevant documentation  that talks about such functionality but I cannot find any. so does anyone know from where i can find supporting documentations for implementing this requirement?


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  1. Hi John,

    Just a little bit of brain storming here. How do you actually want the scanner to talk to Joget?

    Do you imply that you want to have a script/tool that will integrate the scanner and Joget?

    How does one actually invoke and start the process?

    1. Do you have a tool that actually "listen" to a folder, kick start a process by attaching the newly found file in the folder.

    2. Or, from the written tool of yours, you hit on a button which will bring up the scanner software, scan the document, and the scanner software returns the file path to the tool and the tool kick start the process in Joget with attachment.

    You can kick start a process and pass along values by using workflow variable. Read on at http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv2/JSON+API#JSONAPI-web%2Fjson%2Fworkflow%2Fprocess%2Fstart%2F%28%3AprocessDefId%29


  2. thanks for the reply; what i am trying to achieve is a s follow:-

    1. The user clicks on "scan" button inside a  Joget form.

    2. This should automatically start scanning the  document inside the scanner that is connected to the user Pc

    3. the scanned image should be automatically saved as an attachment to the current form.

    4. the user fill the form fields and click on submit.

    This is what i was planning to do ,, and i do not know if this can be achieved, OR i have to modify some steps for technical limitations ?
