I just installed Joget workflow 2.0.1 on an Ubuntu 10.10 server running Tomcat 6 and MySQL 5.1.49. When I run the sample travel company process by any of the sample users, I get a (404) page not found error. The URL it's trying to find is: http://MY_SERVER_NAME:8080/wflow-wfweb/web/client/process/start/?&_=1292720327186. Error displays this:

Sorry, the page requested is not found.
If you have been brought to this page unintentionally, please report the previous URL for troubleshooting purposes.\Click here to go back to the main page

I can perform other admin tasks like updating records and config files via the GUI with no issues.

Any ideas why this issue is occurring?

UPDATE: I can create new processes, forms, groups, etc. with no issues.

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  1. Hi there,

    Is there anything logged in your server log/tomcat?

    1. Just a few of these:

      Dec 19, 2010 7:53:47 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters processParameters
      WARNING: Parameters: Invalid chunk '' ignored.

      1. I was able to get the demo functioning properly by reinitializing the DB, and reinstalling. Seems when I was getting the DB error (fixed by adding the "&useServerPrepStmts=false" to the connections), the Travel process drops out of the console.

        Looks like a nice product ... I'm doing a comparison between Joget and Bonita. I much prefer the console on Joget! Now I have to dig into the workflow modeling aspect.

        1. Hi,

          Seems like its a problem with the specific version of MySQL (5.1.49), similar to the one faced in the Create group issue discussion. For the benefit of others, here's the solution again:

          Go to Settings > System Setup > Datasource and Profile Settings. In there, modify the JDBC URLs to add &useServerPrepStmts=false e.g.
