Hello,I wonder if and how I can use deadlines based on Dates and using workflow variables which specify the deadline dates.

In the workflow designer :

- I define a deadline with Duration unit "Date (dd/MM/yyyy)", so not "Days".

- In Deadline limit I define a workflow variable which has been filled by a Form.

- The rest is normal : I define an Exception

However this does not work.

I do not get errors, but the activity will not show up in the taskbox.

  • No labels


  1. Hi Joost,

    Can you share with us with the application that exhibits such problem? With this, I believe that we can help you better.


  2. Hi Hugo,

    I was able to solve this problem which had to do with the format of the dates.

    I used some Java to calculate Date fields and I had to use a proper formatter: SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy" );

    Thanks for your feedback,


    1. Hi Joost,

      That's great. Owen has recently wrote an article on this as well. Please see Trigger Deadline based on specific Date value. Thanks.

      1. Hi Hugo,

        I read Owen's article and I wonder what has become of the following Date Picker Property Editor in the article.

        Since it contains the fields "Display Format"  and "Data Format".

        In my Joget version I only have one field "Fomat"?


        1. Hi Joost,

          You may need to update your local Joget copy to the latest available one as this may be a new feature added in recently. This set of properties is available in your cloud account though.

          via mobile

          1. Hi Hugo,

            Yesterday I downloaded the last version, but that is the same build as I am using now, so probably there is no build yet with this feature?

            Regards, Joost

            1. Hi Joost,

              This feature is in the v4 beta. It's also in the the newer v3.1 builds. We've not released any new v3.1 builds to the community yet, but they are available in the enterprise support site.


              1. Hi Julian,

                I am working with the enterprise version. These are not from the enterprise support site?

                Do I have to use another url on the Joget site?


                Joost van der Schoot