Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


The OpenKM Document Management System (DMS) plugin facilitates the seamless integration of OpenKM and Joget. This integration currently utilises two few plugin types:

  • Form Options Binder - Retrieve folder paths from OpenKMDatalist Formatter - Format datalist file upload column to download file from OpenKM directly.
  • File Upload Element - Upload files to OpenKM. Bind folder paths from the select box field that uses the Form Options Binder. Able to choose whether to create folder that follows Joget form ID when uploading.
  • Datalist Formatter - Format datalist file upload column to download file from OpenKM directlyForm Options Binder - Retrieve folder paths from OpenKM.

The plugin is created with the use of RESTful Guide - OpenKM Documentation to perform RESTful API calls on OpenKM.

Plugin Info

Plugin Available in the Bundle:

  1. OpenKM DMS Datalist Formatter

  2. OpenKM DMS File Upload
  3. OpenKM DMS
  1. Form Options Binder

This plugin bundle is compatible with Joget DX 8.

Expected Outcome

Upon successful integration, Joget will be able to upload files into OpenKM browser based on the directory set by users.

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Figure 1: Example of successful integration


Getting Started


1. Java 8 Environment

In order to successfully install OpenKM, Java 8 is an essential prerequisite that must be present on the system environment, which can be downloaded from the Oracle Official Website. This version of Java provides the necessary runtime environment for OpenKM to operate effectively and efficiently. Without Java 8, the installation process may encounter errors or fail altogether, rendering OpenKM unusable.

2. OpenKM Community Version

OpenKM Community Version can obtain it by downloading directly JAR file can be obtained from the Official OpenKM Website OpenKM "Community Version" Download Button. This official source ensures users access the most up-to-date and authentic version of the software, safeguarding against potential security risks and ensuring compatibility with existing systems.

3. OpenKM Database

OpenKM is able to integreate with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server. In this article, we will be using MySQL as the OpenKM database.

Link to MySQL download and installationDownload:

Installation Guide:

4. OpenKM DMS Plugin

To integrate Joget with OpenKM, we will use the OpenKM DMS Plugin from

Setting up OpenKM DMS

1. OpenKM Installer Setup

To setup the OpenKM installer, open Command Prompt as Administrator and open the file directory where you stored the OpenKM installer.

In the command prompt, use java -jar OKMInstaller.jar to start installing OpenKM.

For this example, OpenKM will run on Java 8 and MySQL8.0.

When you see the following page, it shows that your openKM has been successfully hosted. Login with the default credentials "okmAdmin" with password "admin".

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Figure 1: OpenKM Login Page

After logging in, you will see the homepage of OpenKM.

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Figure 2: OpenKM Homepage

Troubleshooting OpenKM DMS

List of Troubleshooting

Database Connection

When this application error occurs, there is a problem with the database connection due to lack of User's privileges in database.

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Figure 3: OpenKM Database Connection Error

Database Connection Solution

  1. Open MySQL root instance.
  2. Go to Server tab > Users and Privileges.
  3. Give full permission to user "openkm".

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Figure 4: OpenKM Database Connection Error

Database Unable to Execute Query

This is a follow up error after solving the previous. 

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Figure 5: Database could not execute query

Error in Figure 5 occurs because there is no existing openKM UUID in the database. In order to resolve the problem we need to create a UUID when accessing openKM page.

Database Unable to Execute Query Solution 

After entering the command, it will display the output as image below and we can enter the configuration we prefer. 

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Figure 2: OpenKM Configuration

OpenKM installation will install Tomcat automatically in the current path directory. After successfully installing OpenKM it will display a "SUCCESS: Specified value was saved." with a database query to create the database, user and password based on the information entered in Figure 2.

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Figure 3: Successful Installation

titleCopy & Paste

Copy and paste the query during MySQL setup in Figure 6.

Code Block
CREATE USER openkm@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'YourPassword';
GRANT ALL ON okmdb.* TO openkm@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;

As a confirmation of a successful installation, open Services in the computer's system and search for OpenKM:

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Figure 4: OpenKM Services

2. MySQL Setup

Access the root database to execute the query in Figure 3 to create "okmdb" database.

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 Figure 5: Access Root Database

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Figure 6: Creating okmdb Database

Go to Server > Users and Privileges and select the newly created User and check all the following boxes to give the User full privilege of the database. Not doing so will create an error when trying to access OpenKM browser.

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Figure 7: Set Users Privileges

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Figure 8: Select User and Check All the Roles

Create a new connection and enter all the information set in Figure 3.

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Figure 9: Create New Connection

3. OpenKM.cfg First Time User Setup

For first time user, an error will occur when accessing OpenKM local browser because there is no existing UUID for the current user. To prevent this error from occurring, we will need to create a UUID when loading the browser. To do so we will make some configuration in the Tomcat folder.

Open Tomcat folder > OpenKM.cfg in IDE(Visual Studio code, Intellij, etc.) and make small changes in a line of code:

Code Block
# OpenKM Hibernate configuration values

# Logback configuration file

# LibreOffice configuration

Code Block
# OpenKM Hibernate configuration values
  • Go to tomcat[version] > OpenKM.cfg file.
  • Change a line of codel:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Prompt
    hibernate.hbm2ddl=create //
    Value before is "none"
  • Restart OpenKM service.

  • change in this line from "none" to "create"
    # Logback configuration file
    # LibreOffice configuration

    4. OpenKM Server and Shutdown Port Changes

    OpenKM Server and Shutdown Port needs to be changed since Joget's default ports will populate the same ports which prevents OpenKM from running. Thus, we need to configure the ports in the server.xml file.

    Go to Tomcat folder > conf > server.xml

    Code Block
    titleServer Port
    <Connector port="8180" address="" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                   connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443"/>

    Code Block
    titleShutdown Port
    <Server port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
      <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener"/>

    titleTomcat Service

    Restarting the Tomcat Service is necessary for changes made in the server.xml file to be reflected before launching the OpenKM browser.

    OpenKM in Runtime

    To access the OpenKM browser, make sure the service is running as in Figure 4.

    Open OpenKM in browser with http://localhost:{Port}/OpenKM.

    When you see the following page, it shows that your OpenKM has been successfully hosted. Default login credentials are "okmAdmin" with password "admin".

    Image Added

    Figure 10: OpenKM Login Page

    After logging in, you will see the homepage of OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 11: OpenKM Homepage

    Setup OpenKM

    Configuring the OpenKM


    First, drag a select box and use the OpenKM DMS Form Options Binder to load the folder paths from OpenKM. Fill in the required credentials for the plugin to work as intended (Figure 612). The Root Folder UUID can be retrieved on the OpenKM folder that we intend to configure as root folder (Figure 713).

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    Figure 612: Joget Form Builder (Select Box with OpenKM DMS Form Options Binder)

    Figure 713: Retrieve OpenKM Root Folder UUID 

    Then, the OpenKM DMS File Upload tool can be drag and drop to attach into the form as a form element. Fill in the OpenKM Configurations with necessary details. If the credentials of OpenKM is invalid, "Authentication ERROR" will be shown in the element (Figure 814).

    We can now map the select box field in the Field Mappings section. Field mappings is an optional configuration.

    When configuring the Field Mapping, "Field for OpenKM Folder Path Upload" must point to the file path created in Figure 612, if no fields are mapped, the default file path will be "/okm:root".

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    Figure 814: Joget Form Builder (OpenKM DMS File Upload Element)

    In the datalist builder, we can format the file upload column by using the OpenKM DMS Datalist Formatter. Similar configurations can be key in to enable users to download the file directly from datalist. Make sure the "file path" fields are in the datalist (can be configured to be hidden if we do not wish to show, but it must be there). If field mapping is not configured, the default file path will be "/okm:root".

    Figure 915: Joget Form List Builder (OpenKM DMS Datalist Formatter)

    If we do not wish to type the credentials multiple times, the credentials can also be easily added into environment variables, and then use a hash variable to refer to the values in environmental variables. For more information, please refer to Environment Variable - Knowledge Base for DX 7 - Joget | COMMUNITY.

    Using the

    OpenKM Plugin Demo

    Upload File

    After all the configurations has been done, the user can retrieve the folder paths from OpenKM in the select box, then choose a file to upload.

    Figure 1016: OpenKM DMS UI (Form)

    After uploading, we can view the latest file path that the file has been uploaded to, and also download the file retrieved from OpenKM.

    Figure 1117: OpenKM DMS UI (List)

    At OpenKM DMS, we can view the file being uploaded. If we modify the file here, we can also get the modified newest file in Joget.

    Figure 1218: OpenKM DMS Homepage with Uploaded File

    To upload multiple files and other file upload features, please visit File Upload - Knowledge Base for DX 8 - Joget | COMMUNITY for further information.

    Delete File

    If "Delete Actual File During Overwrite or Removal?" checkbox is checked, when file is overwritten or removed, the actual file in OpenKM will be deleted.

    Image Added

    Figure 19: Delete Actual File During Overwrite or Removal? Config

    This was the existing record in OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 20: Existing file in OpenKM

    Edit the existing record.

    Image Added

    Figure 21: Edit existing record

     Click on remove and save the record.

    Image Added

    Figure 22: Remove file and save

    The file has been removed from the record. Please note that if you remove the entire record, it does not count as removing the file.

    Image Added 

    Figure 23: File removed from record

    In OpenKM, the file has also been removed.

    Image Added

    Figure 24: OpenKM file removed

    To remove the folder generated automatically, " checkbox has to be checked.

    Image Added

    Figure 25:

    Upload a file to OpenKM again to test this. Repeat the steps above similarly to remove the file. Below shows the file uploaded in OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 26: File uploaded to OpenKM

    Remove the file and save the form. 

    Image Added

    Figure 27: Remove file

    The file has been removed together with the folder. Please note that if you have other items under the folder, it will get removed as well.

    Image Added

    Figure 28: File and folder removed in OpenKM

    Update File Version

    If "Create New Version" for Same File Upload Action is selected, a new version of the file will be uploaded to OpenKM instead of replacing the old file.

    Image Added

    Figure 29: Create New Version for file

    Now we try to upload some files into OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 30: Upload some files to OpenKM

    The files are uploaded at Version 1.0 each.

    Image Added 

    Figure 31: Uploaded files at OpenKM

    Update one of the files, in the example it is "joget_logo.jpeg".

    Image Added

    Figure 32: Replace a file with same name

    Now you can see the Version has increased from 1.0 to 1.1.

    Image Added

    Figure 33: Replaced file has new version

    Lock File

    If "Lock File in OpenKM" is checked, the file will be locked when uploading to OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 34: Lock File in OpenKM

    Go to the same form and upload "joget_logo.jpeg" again.

    Image Added

    Figure 35: Replace a file to lock the new uploaded file

    The file is now locked in OpenKM.

    Image Added

    Figure 36: File Locked at OpenKM

    OpenKM Setup Troubleshooting

    1. Database Cannot Open Connection

    The issue was cause due to the authentication method when setting up MySQL.

    Image Added

    Figure 37: Cannot Open Connection Error

    Troubleshooting Steps

    1. Run MySQL installer.
    2. Click Reconfigure for "MySQL Server".
    3. In the Authentication Method change the default settings to Use Legacy Authentication Method.
    4. Restart MySQL80 Service in Computer System Services and retry running OpenKM in browser.

    Image Added

    Figure 38: Authentication Method

    To read more about the error, please refer to this link 

    2. Windows could not start the OpenKM on Local Computer.

    The root can't be pinpoint because the issue differs for each machine. Thus, only workarounds can be provided.

    Troubleshooting Steps.

    1. Open Command Prompt.
    2. Open Tomcat Folder > Bin > type in catalina.bat run > press Enter.
    3. Wait for the server to startup.
    4. Access http://localhost:[port]/OpenKM.
    5. Use netstat -ano | findstr [port] to make sure the service is runnning.
    6. User should be able to see OpenKM login page when trying to access the browser.

    OpenKM DMS Form Options Binder Properties


    OpenKM DMS Form Options Binder




    Header field.

    Username *

    OpenKM username. 

    Password *

    OpenKM password.

    OpenKM URL *

    The URL that OpenKM is hosted at.

    Example: http://localhost:



    Root Folder UUID *

    The folder UUID retrieved from OpenKM folder. The UUID can be configured depending on desired folder level to start with.

    OpenKM DMS File Upload Properties

    Configure OpenKM DMS File Upload

    More details on default configurations for file upload: File Upload - Knowledge Base for DX 8 - Joget | COMMUNITY

    Below are configurations for section "OpenKM Configurations":




    Header field.

    Username *

    OpenKM username. 

    Password *

    OpenKM password.

    OpenKM URL *

    The URL that OpenKM is hosted at.

    Example: http://localhost:



    Field Mappings

    Header field.


    The current form to bind the field with.

    Field for OpenKM Folder Path Upload

    The selected form field that contains the OpenKM File Path value

    Same File Upload Action

    Action to perform when a file with the same name is uploaded

    • Replace File
    • Create New Version

    Delete or Update Actual File During Overwrite or Removal?

    Checkbox field. If true, actual file in OpenKM will be deleted or updated when the file is overwritten or removed in Joget. If false, when a file is removed, all the file links to OpenKM will be removed.

    Automatically Create Folder by Form ID

    Checkbox field. If true, file will be uploaded inside a newly created folder using submitted form ID in OpenKM. If false, file will be directly uploaded into the OpenKM File Path.


    Uncheck the field if you are not configuring "Field Mapping" which is using the default path("/okm:root"). 

    Checking the field will create a different path in OpenKM and Joget. OpenKM will store it in a Unique ID path, while Joget will store the file path as '/okm:root'. The difference in paths may result in an HTTP Status 500 Error when attempting to download the file from Joget.

    Checkbox field. If true, the folder that was created automatically by form ID when Automatically Create Folder by Form ID checkbox is checked will be deleted when file is removed. This action will delete all items under the folder. If false, the folder will not get deleted when file is removed.

    OpenKM DMS Datalist Formatter Properties


    OpenKM DMS Datalist Formatter




    Header field.

    Username *

    OpenKM username. 


    OpenKM password.

    OpenKM URL *

    The URL that OpenKM is hosted at.

    Example: http://localhost:



    Field Mappings

    Header field.


    The current form to bind the field with.

    OpenKM Path for File Upload

    The current column field that contains the OpenKM File Path value.

    titleOpenKM on Cloud

    To utilize the OpenKM DMS Plugin on Joget Cloud, it's essential to deploy OpenKM on the cloud as well to ensure online accessibility.

    If the OpenKM DMS Plugin is hosted on the cloud while OpenKM remains on a local server, Joget won't be able to access OpenKM, resulting in an "Authentication Error" being displayed.

    titleFile Delete

    In OpenKM DMS File Upload >  Advanced Settings > "Delete Actual File During Overwrite or Removal?" Checkbox.

    This feature will not affect OpenKM file when an existing file is deleted in Joget, thus, deleting the same file from OpenKM and Joget has to be done manually.

    Related Links