
im trying to create a system ther anyone can registry a entry to a queue system and in the queue they can change ther information.
is thier a way to do this in joget and send a email link for the form to them?

Thx in advance.

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  1. Hi Peter,

    You could probably take a look at : Designing a Process. Under 'Mapping Participants to Users' in the link, you could have a look at the security note and allow your processes to be available to anonymous users.

    Maybe that'll help.



  2. can only find a whitelist to start the process, te thing is that i need to use the same user (that registred anonymous) in a later form in the process.

    1. Hi,

      I'm afraid I don't know if you could use any details of the anonymous user because he/she is non-existent in the Joget's database.
      You could see Pass user details with Process URL if that helps.
