
I make a simple application, it is Leave Request Application. And there is menu list in this application. If Admin click the menu, the application will show all the user who request leave.

When user click menu List, there is list user who request leave. But, how to make if the user A login and click the menu List, the application just show the leave request of user A. 

Thank you. 

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    1 answer


      Hi there,

      If I understand correctly, you want the current logged-in user to see only his/her own tasks in a list. Is that so? If the list you're referring to is the inbox, the pending assignments appearing in the inbox are always filtered by the username of the logged-in user, so you'd only see your tasks in your inbox.

      On the other hand if the 'menu list' you are talking about is a different datalist and you want the items appearing in it to be filtered for the current logged-in user, you could always use the current user hash variables to filter out items in a list.

      Hope this helps!

      1. tricia

        I got this unexpected AST node: admin near line 1, column 46 [SELECT e FROM app_fd_t_leaveRequest e WHERE admin] how can I solved this?

      2. tricia

        By the way, I use joget community

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