
Hi community.

I´m trying to configure a Hyperlink button in a datalist to open a form that have a spreadsheet,  I´m stuck because don´t understand how must be conformed the URL to fill the spreadsheet,  please anybody have an example to guide me?

Note: In this pic,   I´m showing what part of the URL with the problem, as syou can see I can´t fill the spreadsheet .

The value lista_deproductos is the id for the spreadsheet in the form, also the field id_producto is the name of the first row in the spreadsheet .

This  part of the URL: 


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    1 answer


      You can use the Handsontable JS code to add values to a grid at runtime by reading the query string, splitting the values, and inserting rows.

      Spreadsheet Deep Customizations

      1. Fabian Barrera

        Hi Mr. Singh,  Thanks for your answer.

        In order to validate the way to store the values in the form I have tested passing the values to a text field, but I´m afraid that I need more help with the way to work with the JS Code and Handsontable that you post here, could you share an example for the JS code or maybe a joget app please.?   

      2. Fabian Barrera

        Finally I found a solution with Java Script 

        <script type="text/javascript">
                var value = decodeURIComponent("#requestParam.lista_deproductos#"); // Replace with the parameter name you declared in datalist action
                var values = value.split(';');
                var hot = FormUtil.getField("lista_deproductos").data("hot");
                // Iterate over each value and set it in the table
                $.each(values, function(index, value) {
                    if (value.trim() !== "") { // Ensure non-empty values
                        hot.setDataAtRowProp(index, 'id_producto', value);


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