

Based on these:

Dynamic Cascading Drop-Down List

Ajax Cascading Drop-Down List

I have a list of clients that are stored in a binder and a list of storage bin affected to each client.

When I do the inventory I need to select the client from the list of client. - That is done and work ok!

Then I have a grid that need to select a bin  from a binder that belongs to the client selected above.

I'm able to do it manually by adding in Extra Filter Condition : e.customProperties.account  LIKE '%clientname%'

But didn't find a way to dynamicly show the client's bin...

I tried with Grouping ColumnField ID from source form to set as option grouping value. in

Default Form Options Binder

Again The select box of the bin displays nothing.-


Any help would be appreciated here. I 've spent many hours on this without success.

Thanks in advance



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    5 answers


      Hi Peter

      You can refer answer to this similar question on cascading select box.

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        While still searching for an answer! I fell on this old post from 2012 and 2014 that ask exactly what I try to do!

        How to set "Extra Filter Condition" in Select Box

        >> Hugo You mention in the post "This is definitely one of the most commonly use case and we will take it into consideration on our product development road map. " in 2012.

        Any developpement since then?




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          This is exactly what I'm doing! Now I try another route.

          Since all the tutorials are with the HR expense claim app. I figure it will be easyer.

          I downloaded it and tried to reproduce this page: AJAX Subform

          I do reproduce the screenshot ( there is no step by step instructions) and when I preview it. I can change the existing claim in the select box but the ajax sub form that suposed to display the expense claim detail doesn't show NOTHING! Just like the problem I have explain before.

          I don't know if it's my version or what but nothing happens in both case.  I'm kind a lost here! Did you try  the doc page and was it functionning?

          Is there a place where I can see the two dynamic condition code to make this thing happen? ( not hard coded with "Extra Filter Condition" like in the video tutorial! ()

          I know that one works,) Or with grouping like here Dynamic Cascading Drop-Down List

          I'm looking for example of code to reproduce the following:

          Simple two condition statement! One select box with datalist from a form that affect the content of the second select box with datalist from another form! The second datalist has a field that came from the first datalist. Here client name.


          Thanks for any comments!

          1. Hugo

            Hi there, Please see https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv5/Dynamic+Cascading+Drop-Down+List. In your second select box, use https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv5/Default+Form+Options+Binder and check "Use AJAX for cascade options?" Hope this helps! Hugo

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          Thanks Hugo,

          I did listen to the video but Like I said it work if I hard code the criteria like in the video.

          I also check the page you put in the documentation and tried it without success.

          Every time the client's bin selection is blank/empty...

          What I need is not exactly like in the video. In the video, you select a claim and it displays it!

          To give an example in regards with the video.

           I need to select a user from a select box. Then the next select box a the grid below will only show me the claim from the user I selected in the select box before! Hiding all the other claims!

          Is it more clear?


          1. Hugo

            Basically, you will need to put a grid in a form, then put the form inside a AJAX Subform. Configure the AJAX Subform to change based on the selection of the select box. But, you are saying that your select box is currently empty. Can you share us your app or list down steps to replicate? Cheers

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          Hey there,

          It seems that you need to use the AJAX Subform.

          See this video tutorial


          Good luck!

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